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Live Longer: 4 Things NOT to Ingest

Blair is committed to a healthy, long-lasting life and wants YOU to live a long, healthy and active life. Studies have shown that there are a few different types of food and drink that you should avoid to maximize quality of life and lifespan.
Blair Myers
Of course it's best to avoid junk and processed foods as much as possible, but we’re here to go one step further. So before you prepare your next meal nix the following things from your diet:
A single daily dose of 20 oz of soda has shown on average of adding 4.6 years to your death. Yes, sodas are loaded with sugar and chemicals and scientists have found that drinking a refreshing sugary sweet soda a day is equivalent to smoking. Think you can avoid the sugar high, and ultimately low, by switching to diet or sugar free pop? Think again, not only do some studies show that artificial sweeteners increase sugar cravings, but research shows you have a 67% more chance of getting type II diabetes.
Processed Meats
Who doesn’t love a yummy hot dog or pepperoni on their pizza? A 2008 study shows that people who eat processed meats at least once a week don't live as long as people who ingest non-processed meats. So it is best to avoid them altogether. But before you go out and stock up on beef, you probably want to avoid…
Red Meat
Yes, not only do you want to avoid processed meats, but consider eliminating meat in the red variety as well. Red meats have been found to increase the age of your colon, which may be one reason why so many men develop colon problems as they age. Sure, we love steaks and hamburgers, but white meat has been shown to have less effect on your body than red. Of course, it’s nearly impossible to avoid red meats, so it is recommended that you take on a diet that includes resistance starches, a good carbohydrate that helps you burn fat and weaken the effects on red meat. In other words, eat more fruits like bananas and, of course, beans!
Studies have shown that drinking a glass of red wine a day can be healthy for your heart. But skip finishing the whole entire bottle. Studies have also shown that alcohol abuse (having more than 4 beverages at a time) speeds up your age, decreasing life expectancy. It is a good practice to be mindful of how much you drink.
As always... love much, laugh often, eat delicious, nutritious and filling food and look fabulous while doing it all!
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