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Blair is the New Black

Never having been one to fit in, I’ve always been true to myself and lived life on my own terms. It’s a powerful message I hope to convey and inspire others with and I guess it makes sense my approach to CrossFit wouldn’t be much different than my approach to life ;)
In CrossFit, levels are written as a different color on the WOD (Workout of the Day) Board: While every CrossFit box is different, my own lists scaled as green, Rx as blue and Rx Plus as red.  You can also do a black workout which is essentially a customized scale you devise for yourself.  If I feel that a 115 pound overhead squat is too much, I may go with 95 pounds instead and since I’m going outside the prescription I’m listed as black on the box board. Since I’m pretty much always in black, the term was coined “Blair Is the New Black”. I’m usually tailoring the weight (and some) movements, so unless it’s a body weight or cardio WOD, I’m in black.
My CrossFit goal is to maintain my long and lean shape. It’s no wonder people often say I have the body of a runway model. ;) Like most things in life, I make CrossFit fit me. I’m not looking to become bulky or compete in the CrossFit games and I don’t care about having the best time in the CrossFit box; I just want to look ah-mazing!  The Blair Is the New Black method works to create this long, lean look.  It focuses on body weight workouts and limits heavy weight strength exercises. While a minority believe a bulked up look is most appealing (and I’m sure it is to some), research has proven that most women and men are attracted to a leaner man with a V-shape from shoulders down to just above hips decreasing as it goes down to waist and an overall fit, athletic build. Research also proves the same appeal generally goes for women with this build as well. My approach keeps the waist small, a V-shape through the back and the right ratio between body fat and muscle.  It’s a look favored by both men and women and… well… me! And what you think is what matters most since you should be working towards your health and fitness goals to improve your quality of life and your own happiness!
Whatever your look, the important questions to ask are “Where do I want to be?” and “What are my goals?” At one time in my life, I would complete two or three WODs a day but my appetite dramatically increased and I experienced weight gain… and not the firmer booty kind of weight, but rather the juicy booty kind. I already have that aplenty and not in need of more! ;) So, I actually decreased my workouts to 3-4 times a week and went lighter on weighted movements. Just as in real estate, I remembered I’m not competing with anyone but myself. To set my own course, define my own life path and all that’s involved with it is my way of life. So choose what’s right for you whether it’s a workout regime for your most fabulous body or anything else and remember to stop listening so much to others, be in tune with what’s right for you, set your own goals and light the world on fire!
As always... love much, laugh often, reach for your goals and never give up, but look fabulous while doing it all! :) Love, Blair
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