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Favorite Exercises for Core Improvement

Beginning my fitness journey to a healthier me has been one of the best things I could have ever done for myself (check back on AllBlair to hear about my journey). Some of my favorite exercises for core improvement are static and dynamic movements for overall strength and conditioning.
What are Static and Dynamic movements?
Static Movements are slow and constant with the end position held for a period of time, where the muscle relaxes and elongates. Most static stretching should be done after your workout. This can help to decrease muscle soreness and improve flexibility. You should never stretch a cold muscle, so make sure you get that muscle warmed-up….either with a jog, row, foam roll session, etc. The reason static stretching is not preferred before exercising is because it usually relaxes the muscles and tells them to turn-off.
Dynamic Movements is a series of movements designed to increase body temperature, activate the nervous system, increase range of motion, and correct limitations. It activates muscles you will use during your workout in a repetitive motion rather than holding for 10 seconds while being still like static movements do.
I personally love to do dynamic movements! One of my favorite is Toes to Bar. It is one of the most dynamic core movements. Here are 5 Steps to successfully performing a Toes to Bar exercise.
Place your hands slightly wider than shoulder width, wrapping your thumbs for a secure grip—when you kick your feet up, you don’t want to kick your hands.
Squeeze both your butt and abs, creating a “hollow-body” position where your feet are slightly in front of your torso. With these muscles flexed, your body’s ready to swing.
Kipping generates momentum, taking your body from the hollow position to an arc or superman position. Open your shoulders, squeeze your butt, then drive with your hips.
To transition from backswing to upswing, simply drive your knees toward your elbows, then extend your legs, kicking your feet toward the bar as they rise.
As soon as your momentum toward the bar ends, pull back into an arc and squeeze your butt to load your hips for the next rep.
As always... love much, laugh often, reach for your goals and never give up, but look fabulous while doing it all! :) Love, Blair
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