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Working out...and sticking to it!

One of the hardest things about exercising is not just being active but actually keeping it up and making it routine! I have a few tips here for helping to keep a consistent workout schedule. Try some of these out to help keep yourself motivated and set yourself up for success!
1. Set a daily challenge for yourself . Don't just focus on when you'll be done with your workout! Instead, set a goal and make that what you're focusing on. These goals can be both long and short term, big or small. You can't reach long term goals in one workout so setting little ones along the way can make the long term seem more attainable. It's all about finding the goals that will keep you motivated. I'm always making small goals for myself and when I reach them, it motivates me to set the goal even higher. 
2. Track your progress . Sometimes tracking your workouts and your progress can be the best way to help you stick to your plan. Many people get discouraged when they feel like they aren't getting closer to their goal.  When you start tracking, it's easier to go back and see where you were a few weeks or months ago compared to where you are now. That motivation can be just the boost you need to keep up your efforts! For me, looking back and seeing the difference in what I was even just a few months ago, it just drives me to keep going because I see how much what I'm doing is paying off. Take pictures of yourself periodically so you can see how your hard work is paying off for you! 
 3. Change up your playlist . Mixing up your music can help you get back into enjoying a workout that has gotten dull and boring. Just by changing what you're listening to, it can make it seem like you're doing something different in your exercising too. Try it!
4. Sign up for an event . Signing up to do something fun or challenging is a way you can really push yourself to do something active. An event like this is something that is set and you can't put it off just because you aren't ready to do it. It comes whether you like it or not (and that's what's great about it). It forces you to get up and get going! A 5K or a mini triathalon or even just a fun run can give you something to train for and look forward to. There are SO many opportunities for events like this in every area. You just have to look for them!
Results don't happen over night, but sticking to your workouts and working hard make all the difference. Hopefully these tips can help you like they have me! 
Blair Myers
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